Daycares provide invaluable services to parents in need of childcare. When signing up for daycare services, every parent should exercise due diligence and ensure that the daycare philosophy is in line with the expectation of the parents.
About Daycare Operations
Every daycare activity is an introduction to upcoming formal learning. Any form of learning that goes at the daycare should guarantee a smooth transition to formal education. Daycares should be structured and run programs that ultimately foster incremental development. These programs should be flexible to capture every child’s interest and accommodate individual abilities. Structured daycares should also be licensed and observe the legal requirements. Caregivers should be adequate in number, trained, and certified to handle first aid and CPR emergencies. ECDE knowledge is a necessity.
Who needs daycare services, and what do the daycares offer?
In urban areas and fast-developing regions, the population is ever on the rise. Since most urban dwellers comprise family units, daycares are a necessity as they target working parents or those in need of extended relief to attend to pressing matters. Daycares operating within estates are typically privately-owned or center-based (attached to a school, church, etc). Most daycares operate between 6.00 am and 7.00pm with few providing extended stay (night care) or 24-hour care like Harvey and Amara Daycare. Daycares typically take in babies between the ages of birth to 4 years. A number of them also provide playgroup, after-school activities, and holiday programs. Charges for daycares vary significantly from as low as Kshs.50 to Kshs.2, 000 per day since they also vary in quality and capacity.
Benefits of having a daycare close to you
A daycare in your neighborhood means convenience however, convenience is relative! Any daycare you can easily access on foot is considered convenient enough, but if you can also drive to it in a matter of a few minutes, then that counts too. Unlike schools where a parent wouldn’t mind transporting a child further away from home, the opposite is true for daycare. Having a daycare close to you has some obvious benefits such as;
There is a possibility that daycares close to you might not meet your expectations or otherwise, in which case there’s no harm in going out of your comfort zone or waiting it out. Find A Daycare is here to assist in that case, and with that in mind, here are some daycares you can check out.
Please note that there are several daycares out there most of which we could not mention so it doesn’t mean that any estate not mentioned does not have an operating daycare.