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Do’s and Dont’s of Daycare

1. The Daycare should be clean and tidy at all times.

2. Nails should be clipped carefully and regularly(with or without your permission).

3. Dirty diapers should be changed and disposed of immediately followed by disinfecting on the changing area.

4. Keep genitals clean and dry at all times to avoid fungal infection.

5. Scalp infections should be monitored to minimize dermatitis and fungal infections.

6. Except for cold conditions, loose and airy clothing are recommended to avoid skin irritation.

7. Children’s room should be well ventilated and lit. Kept clean and dust free.

8. Bed sizes should be provided with a waterproof under sheet for the children.

9. Soothing music, toys near child’s sleeping area are acceptable.

10. Caregivers should properly support younger babies’ heads since their neck muscles are weaker.

11. Breastfeeding mothers should always observe cleanliness, both of her body and feeding areas since breastfeeding is the source for great nutrition for a baby.

12. Bottle feeding moms should clean, sterilize and keep dry feeding bottles.

13. Microwaved food is a no as heating of drinks is not recommended due to the possibility of scalding.

14. Milk, fibers, food and cosmetics can cause allergies. If a child is exhibiting an allergic reaction try to discover the offending allergen through a process of elimination.

15. Daycares should install and use mosquito nets. Malaria, filariasis, dengue and yellow fever are spread through bites. Sleep can also be disturbed due to itchy, inflamed skin eruptions.

16 .Ensure the daycare observes a calm, consistent bedtime routine to encourage healthy sleep. Kids need lots of sleep. Growth hormones kick in during REM so napping kids are busy.

17. As kids pass the different age milestones, the daycares should keep a record of the language, growth, behavioral, motor and personal social development. Everyone is different so parents shouldn’t panic if slight variations are noted.

18. Regular measurement of weight and height is essential to assess growth.

19. Expect lots of poops after most feeds in the early days. Daycares should initiate toilet training as children become independent. Introduce the sitting on the toilet seat from 10 months.

20. Daycares should thoroughly sanitize the toilet seat. Sharing with other kids isn’t encouraged.

21. Daycares should have an on-call doctor for emergencies like convulsions, difficulty breathing, excessive crying, fever with rigor, frequent vomiting with diarrhea, the stiffness of neck or bluish discoloration of the body.

22. Daycares should keep a fully stocked first aid kit to hand which should contain dressing, sterile cotton, and antiseptic lotion. All emergency numbers should be availed on visible places.

23. They should keep all child medications in a separate box. Note all dosage and administration details.

24. Fit your car with the correct car seat for your trips with the baby otherwise, you strain the child.

25. If possible, attach an identity card to your child’s clothes with your address and telephone number.

26. Caregivers should supervise a child initial walking attempts to minimize accidents.

27. Caregivers should have basic first aid training to apply in the event of an accident.

The Don’ts in a Daycare

1. No shaking baby as it can cause brain damage.

2. Keep small items away from the vicinity of the child.

3. Same goes for sharp or pointed items.

4. When in the bath dont let water get into the ears.

5. If a child is coughing or crying a lot don’t try to get them to eat.

6. Careful not to overfeed.

7. Safe storage of dangerous or toxic substances.

8. No restrictive child’s clothing.

9. Cribs should not allow for falling incidents.

10. Avoid close contact with lots of people and never hand your baby to a stranger.

11. Childproof all electrical sockets and wires.

12. Kitchens are full of potential dangers. Never leave a child alone there.

13. Supervise your child the entire time they are in the tub. Keep water level low.

14. Don’t smoke around children.

15. Keep pets at a distance (ensure they have received all shots).

16. Install gates on stairs where young children are crawling or wobbling.

17. Avoid strong light in the bedroom.

18. Don’t accept food from strangers when traveling.

19. Don’t allow a child to crawl in the dirt.

20. Keep kids away from sick people.

21. Avoid areas of pollution, large crowds, and hospital wards.

22. Keep free standing lights away from kids.

23. Never give medicine that has been prescribed for someone else to your child.

24. If medication has passed the expiry date do not use it.

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